Monday, May 14, 2018

Kleos visits Lexington!

After all the challenges of the winter, the farm is finally seeing all the animals happy and healthy.  The pasture is coming in and the rabbits are almost full grown.  The chicks are outside in the chicken coop growing up rather quickly.  Its been a time a growth and recovery for all of us.
     However, for one it marks a huge milestone on our journey to our future story as farm owners and  horse breeders.  Kleos, our Thoroughbred Mare, made the trip to Lexington to connect with Justin Phillip a notable sire whose progeny have done well when bred to similar crosses of these pedigrees they both possess.  It was all made possible because of the work put in by so many.  Kelly had created many opportunities to get Kleos the proper care and grooming she needed.  Our friends and partners, Julie Moore and Jimmy Collier, supported us by providing transportation to and from the Breeding shed at Castleton Lyons farm.
    The short 1 hour drive created anxiety  in all of us. We didn't know what to expect.  How should we prepare?  What do we need to do?  How will she react?  Thoughts raced through our heads and not many a word was said along the way.  What happens when she has the foal?  What will we do? Will it be a  'Runner?   The time seemed to crawl by as our heads and hearts expanded for the upcoming moments we couldn't prepare for.
     As we arrived, our hearts fluttered.  it was an amazing site to see.  Castleton Lyons is a classic farm with many sights to be seen.  The rock wall paddock.  The Castleton Pillar in the distance.  The off white fencing surrounding the large pastures and paddocks.  Beautiful, green Kentucky Bluegrass shimmered everywhere we looked and the shade of the decades old Oaks surrounded much of the property.  Kleos had made it.

    The process was pretty quick and we didn't have much time to soak in all in.  Before you knew it, she had seen a teaser stallion, been prepped and ready to make it happen.  They brought in the teaser to jump her as well and she couldn't have done any better.  Soon, it was time to see her mate, the one we'd all been waiting for.  He came in and connected with little issue or concern.  And just like that she was ready to leave with what she had came for.
    Now time will only tell how momentous this trip was for her. For us. For our Farm and our future doing what we are passionate about.  We will be checking back in a couple weeks to confirm that she is in foal to Justin Phillip.  And then we can hurry up and wait some more to see when our dreams will come true. . .

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