Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Goodbye, for now. . .

      Last week we said goodbye to Kleos.  Another family needed her more than we did and they had a great job for her as a teacher to young riders.  Her old soul and easy attitude were much more useful at Anita's friends farm in Ohio.  There, she will continue to be valued, loved and cared for.
     We will always miss her but glad to see she has a better job there than she did here.  I appreciate all the times she allowed me to learn how to groom, how to handle, lead, and lunge with her.  She was a beautiful horse with a beautiful story.  I am glad we were able to be a part of her journey and share that journey with so many other people in our community and on social media.  It was great to hear from her original owner, Donna Chuppe, and the stories they shared along the way.  She allowed us to take her Lexington and meet with Castleton Lyons stallion farm.  It was her leading us down a new road, trailblazing for us to learn and grow.  It was her who sacrificed her time for us.  She showed us what it meant to be brave in harsh conditions.  She was powerful and full of grace, yet subtle and soft spoken.  I know she will continue to change others' lives for the better.
   I'll always appreciate what she gave me and what she taught me.  I regret that I didn't spend more time with her.  She is certainly a special mark in my journey.

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